040135 . . . Hobe' Sterling Floral Bouquet Brooch . . .$95.00
This beautiful brooch is more intricate than many of the Hobe' Bouquets that I have seen. It measures 3 1/8" by 2" and is just overflowing with sterling roses and forget-me-nots! It has a depth of 5/8" and a medium patina. Close-up(click here) The stems are gathered with a flower topped ribbon and there are several detailed leaves behind the flowers. All of the flowerheads are on separate stems and all are intact. The back is signed on a rectangle under the hinge- Hobe' STERLING DESIGN PAT'D. This heavy piece is in excellent condition -especially for it's 60 plus years! Back(click here)
202022 . . . Mexican Sterling Gemstone Triangles Necklace/Earrings . . .$125.00
081004. . . Green Mexican Jade Silver Face Mask Pin . . .$22.00
Measuring 2" by 1 1/4", this nicely designed brooch has a center mask made from green stone. I can never tell in these pieces if it is glass, natural stone or what! There is a rope twist around the mask and 1/2 balls at the ends with solid backs. The back is signed PLATA 925 MEXICO ICUALA CRD and MOC. The original patina has been left- Piece is in great condition!
101823 . . . Signed Copper Brooch / Pendant . . . $15.00
The signature on this brooch is worn, but the first name is Roslyn and the last could be Hoffman. It is incised on a southwestern looking geometric shape that holds the pinback. This is a nice heavy brooch that can aldo be worn as a pendant- It does show some wear. Ot looks to be 3 separate pieces welded one atop another. Two of thw rectangle corners are curled upward. The brooch measures 1 7/8" by 1 1/2". Nice design!
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